Friday 12 April 2019


Getting soft layered chapati is always the aim when it comes to cooking chapati. This is the second method I have learnt that will guarantee you the softest chapati you will ever eat!

Thursday 4 April 2019


Rock cakes kind of always remind me of Christmas. I know, I know, it's only March and it was Christmas only 4 months ago! But hear me out. Rock cakes especially cinnamon ones remind me of mom's baking when we were kids. The smell of baked goods wafting through the house was a sign that it was Christmas morning.  We would all excitedly go to the kitchen knowing that freshly baked goodies awaited us. The best part of eating these rock cakes was the crunchy slightly hard exterior then biting into the soft fluffy insides! Aaaaaah, great memories.


Have you ever had the perfect breakfast? Well, this sandwich recipe will give you that. Speaking of sandwiches, fun fact, apparently these are not sandwiches but are called Jaffles! I never knew that. Growing up we always called them toasted sandwiches, after all they had stuffing in between them, so they are sandwiches. All my life I called them that until literally yesterday when I posted on my Instagram and a friend of mine told me they were Jaffles. True to her word, clicking on the hash tag I stumbled upon these delicious meals. There are even restaurants whose sole menu is the different kinds of Jaffles, I think I gone died and went to Jaffles heaven! That just gave me do many ideas of the kinds of filling I can fill in them! So back to my "sandwich" for now I'll still call them that 😏. The caramelized onions give these sandwiches a sweet and smoky flavour that is just awesome and really goes well with the sausages. I loved this combo, but you can check out my peanut butter toasted sandwich or my delectable tomato boiled egg sandwich and tell me which one you love the most.

Monday 1 April 2019


Want to add vibrant color and taste to your simple chapati, why not add grated carrots! Chapati as you know has always been my favorite meals to cook and I always try to find ways to make them more delicious. Whether it is wholewheat or all purpose flour, chapati is a delicious meal that can be served for breakfast, lunch or even dinner. The best part is that chapati is great for warming up to eat the next day. To ensure that they do not dry up and become dry and hard the next day, you need to cook them soft and this method I used guarantees you soft chapati that will keep soft even for 3 days! 

Sunday 31 March 2019


Last day of March and what better way to end it than with guess what, chicken! It feels like March has been chicken month, that should be a thing honestly. I enjoyed cooking chicken wings for the first time which was fun. As we say goodbye to the month of March, I have something that I can say I have achieved. Nairobi Kitchen's Youtube channel went live! 🤗🤗🤗 (does happy dance)... It is something that I have always wanted to do which I kept postponing because of not having this and that... which I still don't have anyway, but I decided it is never going to be perfect. Waiting for things to align will be a regret I do not want to have. So I went for it, so today I have 048 subscribers and who knows next time I'll be writting about 480K subscribers 😍! The reception I have received has been awesome and I'm very grateful for that. Still doing the shooting and editing on my own, and I'm still learning so it really is fun. I cannot believe it is the end of March already, we are heading to almost half the year! All I can say is that I love sharing my recipes with you and look foward to more deliciousness! Happy New Month tomorrow!

Friday 29 March 2019


Mahamri is a delicious coastal snack that is known and famous for its aroma of cardamom, a sweet spice and delicate taste of coconut. You can use coconut milk or cream. I think dessicated coconut works as well, that reminds me, I think I should cook with dessicated coconut next time. For my first mahamri they turned out pretty delicious, I know a soon to be favorite in the house. In unrelated news, is it just me who loves the smell of yeast fermenting or what? Mahamri is unique in that you only cook with yeast whereas for Mandazi, you can cook them using baking powder. Try something new today with this delicious sesame seeds mahamri, I promise, you will love.

Monday 25 March 2019


Beef liver is one of my favorite meals. I know most of my friends who do not like liver, some because of the taste or some say it is hard and too rubbery. I guess people have different experiences with liver, or it might be that their first experience of eating liver was not that exciting. Liver is a soft meat that if you over cook that is when it becomes rubbery and soggy. To get rid of the toughness which is because of the membrane, peel it away before slicing so that you are left with the meaty part. I love stir fry liver because it not only tastes better, but the stir fry process gives the meat a sort of crispy texture and perfect crunch. This recipe will have you licking your fingers and making it over and over again. Adding spices to liver gives this liver a fantastic, spice delicious taste. Enjoy with some rice, pasta, chapati but best had with Ugali
© Nairobi Kitchen
Maira Gall