nutmeg recipe
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Thursday 4 April 2019


Rock cakes kind of always remind me of Christmas. I know, I know, it's only March and it was Christmas only 4 months ago! But hear me out. Rock cakes especially cinnamon ones remind me of mom's baking when we were kids. The smell of baked goods wafting through the house was a sign that it was Christmas morning.  We would all excitedly go to the kitchen knowing that freshly baked goodies awaited us. The best part of eating these rock cakes was the crunchy slightly hard exterior then biting into the soft fluffy insides! Aaaaaah, great memories.

Thursday 22 March 2018


These scrumptious desserts are crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside. I'm always on the hunt to find delicious desserts that use little ingredients and do not need too much labor. Apple Cages Make For An Impressive But Very Easy Dessert. Want something simple and will impress your family and friend and make them think you spent hours creating such an awesome dessert? This recipe will do just that. Let's face it, who doesn't want to show off their cooking skills and learn something new at the same time? I love apples, I love the aroma that Nutmeg has, put them together and you have a dessert that you will probably be making every week if not every day! 

Wednesday 9 August 2017



Today just feels like a weekend. Anybody else feels that way? I guess it's because we're still in an election mood. There was no bread so I thought I would make something that was filling and tasty too. What I could think of that would make a large quantity was Mandazi since everyone is at home. I just followed this recipe but this time I added in Nutmeg and Mixed Spices to give them that extra spice aroma and flavour. Such an easy dish to make and in less than an hour you will have your breakfast snack or food to snack on throughout the day. Spices were just too awesome as you could smell the delicious aroma all around the house as they fried. Mandazi are becoming my new favourite to go to breakfast accompaniment and snack. Have you made Mandazi lately? Let me know!
© Nairobi Kitchen
Maira Gall