Showing posts with label DINNER. Show all posts

Tuesday 7 May 2019


First of all I love how rustic this non stick pan looks. I love anything vintage and rustic, from kitchen utensils, decor and even clothing. If I could I would just have a whole room in the house filled with kitchen utensils. My favourite aisle in the supermarket is always the utensils section, I mean, you can never have too many soup bowls or silverware or dutch ovens, right? Anyway, as you probably know I love CHICKEN, theyre probably the most recipes I have on here! I can't resist how good chicken is and how many recipes you can come up with with this humble bird. This dish is vibrant with its mix of bell peppers, veggies that make it perfect for a weeknight meal or quick lunch. 

Wednesday 1 May 2019


Yeeeei! Second PORK recipe! Sips red wine...I love vibrant colors and mixed peppers add that brightness to this dish.

Monday 22 April 2019


This Maini Fry (fried liver) was bomb AF! Forgive the potential swear! But in all honesty I have never eaten fried liver as good as this one. Hands down, it beat my garlic paprika liver and oregano beef liver! It had the best reviews from family who devoured in one sitting 

Friday 19 April 2019


Kuku kienyeji/Kienyeji chicken is free range or organic chicken that is usually more delicious than broilers or layers. It has always been a tradition that whenever we go upcountry to visit our grandma she always packs for us a chicken or two. Either a live chicken or one that has been dried on an open fire. That is why I always look foward to going for those visits because of getting that kuku kienyeji. Back in town, there are vendors who sell organic chicken, which normally is more expensive than broilers or layers. Kuku kienyeji has a much darker flesh that gets an intense flavour after cooking. With this kienyeji chicken, you do not need to add too many ingredients or even spices because its totally delicious with basic add ins.

Friday 12 April 2019


Getting soft layered chapati is always the aim when it comes to cooking chapati. This is the second method I have learnt that will guarantee you the softest chapati you will ever eat!

Monday 1 April 2019


Want to add vibrant color and taste to your simple chapati, why not add grated carrots! Chapati as you know has always been my favorite meals to cook and I always try to find ways to make them more delicious. Whether it is wholewheat or all purpose flour, chapati is a delicious meal that can be served for breakfast, lunch or even dinner. The best part is that chapati is great for warming up to eat the next day. To ensure that they do not dry up and become dry and hard the next day, you need to cook them soft and this method I used guarantees you soft chapati that will keep soft even for 3 days! 

Sunday 31 March 2019


Last day of March and what better way to end it than with guess what, chicken! It feels like March has been chicken month, that should be a thing honestly. I enjoyed cooking chicken wings for the first time which was fun. As we say goodbye to the month of March, I have something that I can say I have achieved. Nairobi Kitchen's Youtube channel went live! 🤗🤗🤗 (does happy dance)... It is something that I have always wanted to do which I kept postponing because of not having this and that... which I still don't have anyway, but I decided it is never going to be perfect. Waiting for things to align will be a regret I do not want to have. So I went for it, so today I have 048 subscribers and who knows next time I'll be writting about 480K subscribers 😍! The reception I have received has been awesome and I'm very grateful for that. Still doing the shooting and editing on my own, and I'm still learning so it really is fun. I cannot believe it is the end of March already, we are heading to almost half the year! All I can say is that I love sharing my recipes with you and look foward to more deliciousness! Happy New Month tomorrow!
© Nairobi Kitchen
Maira Gall