vanilla cupcake recipe
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Wednesday 15 December 2021

Classic Vanilla Cupcakes Recipe: A Delightful Treat for Any Occasion- VLOGMAS DAY 15

Cake week ends with the classic vanilla cupcake recipe! I can't believe its day 15 of #VLOGMAS2021! We are almost done and I'm so excited for the fourth and fifth week of this challenge. Easy to make but delicious AF! If you're on the hunt for a timeless dessert that pleases both young and old, look no further than our Classic Vanilla Cupcakes. These moist and fluffy cupcakes are a quintessential favorite, perfect for birthdays, afternoon tea, or simply satisfying your sweet tooth cravings. Whether you're an experienced baker or a novice in the kitchen, this recipe is straightforward and foolproof.  Hope you enjoy this recipe and let me know which is your favorite cake week recipe! 

© Nairobi Kitchen
Maira Gall