Showing posts with label FRUIT BOWL RECIPE. Show all posts

Friday 14 July 2017


Hey Lovelies,
Sometimes you just want something delicious, comforting and easy. I think that is what Fruit and Yogurt bowls were made for. I had just had a pretty disapointing end to my baking that completely went south. So I wasn't in the mood to do anything else. I had Strawberries, Blue Berries and Yogurt, so I was like, hey, simple dessert waiting for me. Fruit bowls are endless to the way you can top them or combine them. Use one fruit, two, heck even add a dozen fruits. Then there is the seeds and nuts you can add.From Peanuts, Cashew Nuts, to Macadamia nuts. Sweeteners that you can add include Honey, Syrup or Agave and Nectar, regular ol' sugar can also do just fine. The thing I love about Fruit Bowls is that they are colorful and bright. Scientifically brightly colored Fruit or food for that matter are healthy for you. So go ahead mix up your Yogurt and Fruits and have a jolly good time won't yah!

Saturday 24 June 2017



Fruit Bowls are a great way to eat your dessert or even start off your breakfast with. Fruit Bowls are as versatile as any other dish that you can prepare. You can top up your Fruit Bowl with a single Fruit or even add various Fruits mixed together. I love Fruits and Cereals as you get the wholesome nutrients from the Cereal and get Vitamins from the Fruits. Apples and Banana go really well when it comes to mixing them up to create a Fruit Bowl. You get Tangy from the Green Apples and Sweetness from the Bananas, a pleasant and delicious mix in your mouth.Which Fruits have you ever used in your Fruit Bowls, let me know below. In the meantime, enjoy my Weetabix Apple and Banana Fruit Bowl, which I whipped up in a few second, no hustle about creating this yummy dish.
© Nairobi Kitchen
Maira Gall