homemade french fries
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Sunday 24 March 2019


Lately I have been loving homemade french fries. Simply because I know they are fresh since they are cooked in my own oil. We have all heard about places where they reuse oil so many times and cook in the same oil different things especially in fast food restaurants. Whether true or not, it still gives you that eerie feeling that you could be eating french fries on friday with oil that cooked fries last monday! I don't mean to alarm you, but, homemade is mostly better. I chose to double fry my potatoes so that I get crispy golden fries in the end. It also helps the potatoes not to absorb too much oil since the second fry gives the potatoes an extra hard coating. You can choose to boil the potatoes first before frying them, they'll be delicious.
© Nairobi Kitchen
Maira Gall