iced cucumber soup
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Sunday 2 September 2018


Hello soup lovers! It's Sunday and I have decided to make soup a weekly thing, so from now on we'll be having Soup Sunday! Homemade soups are totally delicious and utterly versatile. A chilled soup will make for a simple, Cook ahead starter for any dinner or lunch party. You can use chicken stock to make this soup but vegetable stock makes it great for vegetarians and even vegans, skip the buffer too and use coconut oil or olive oil. A quick tip when it comes to stocks especially homemade ones is to freeze in ice cube trays then once frozen solid you can pack the cubes in freezer bags. Then dilute them in water before using. That way you always have stock in hand to make your soups. Since this is a chilled soup, you can pour into a rigid plastic container, leaving head room for expansion, then label and freeze. To serve warm, just reheat, stirring frequently until heated through. 
© Nairobi Kitchen
Maira Gall