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2018 had been a great year, a little over 100 recipes! Wow! Mostly I had lots of fun because I kind of got my mojo back to get into the kitchen. 2017 had been a hard year since I had a really personal tragedy, which I think I am getting better, so I can say that getting back to the kitchen was a sort of therapy for me. I already did your favorite recipes for 2018 of which I have a few favorites, wait, who am I kidding, I loved all of them! Check them out and see if you have some recipes that you loved the most last year. I did more soups which I was happy about since soups are healthy and make your meals that much more enjoyable. My very favorite month was August because of my delicious avocado theme that saw me have amazing recipes that had this delicious fruit. Here are the recipes that I enjoyed cooking and I found myself making over and over since I could not have enough of them. Why not check them out to see if your is on the top ten list or what would you add to this list as we look forward to 2019. I started the year reminiscing on the year that has gone and my hopes for this coming year where I look forward to more delicious, creative, yummy recipes to bring to you. Leave your comment on what you would like to see more of and what you enjoyed last year. let's do this, to more deliciousness this coming year

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