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I can't believe it is the last day of #AvocadoAugust! I have had so much fun coming up with these recipes that I seriously want to do it again! There are still hundreds of avocado recipes that I haven't even touched but excited that I was able to come up with 13 exciting delicious Avocado recipes. Wow! Hope you had as much fun as I did and I also want feedback on what other recipes you love that I can come up with or even suggest another theme month. The last recipe for this #AvocadoAugust is Penne Pasta With Avocado Pesto which is rich and full of flavours that just dance in your mouth. This combination with pesto is so far my best pasta recipe, which I will probably make more than twice. Avocado is BAE and LIFE. Looking forward to what September has to bring!

1 Packet Penne Rigate Pasta
1-2 Cups Avocado Pesto
2 Tablespoons Vegetable Oil
1 Tablespoon Salt
1 Teaspoon Black Pepper

Heat water in deep pan and add salt

Add vegetable oil

Add Black Pepper

Add the penne pasta

Let the pasta cook until al' dente you do not want the pasta to overcook or it will be too soggy

Once the water has significantly reduced, take pasta from heat. Set in a sieve or colander and pour hot water into the pasta. This helps remove some of the sticky starch

Add the Avocado Pesto into the cooked Pasta and mix well ensuring every piece of pasta gets the delicious Pesto sauce

This Pesto Pasta is the best you will ever taste. Creamy, Rich, Crunchy, Delicious!

I love cooking with Penne Pasta because they tend to hide deliciousness inside the hollow parts


Recipe by Mulunga Alukwe

Prep time: 5 Minutes
Cook time: 5 Minutes
Total time: 10 Minutes
Yield: 4 Servings
  • 1 Packet Penne Pasta
  • 2 Cups Avocado Pesto
  • 2 Tablespoons Vegetable Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon Salt
  • 1 Teaspoon Black Pepper
Cooking Directions
  1. Heat water in deep pan and add salt, black pepper and vegetable oil
  2. Once the water has boiled, add the Penne Pasta. Let the pasta cook until al' dente you do not want the pasta to overcook or it will be too soggy
  3. Once the water has significantly reduced, take pasta from heat. Set in a sieve or colander and pour hot water into the pasta. This helps remove some of the sticky starch
  4. Add the Avocado Pesto into the cooked Pasta and mix well ensuring every piece of pasta gets the delicious Pesto sauce
  5. Serve immediately

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