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1 Cup Water
500ml Packet Whole Milk
3 Tablespoons Tea Leaves


Add Water to sufuria (pan)

Heat water until boiling

Add whole milk

Quantity of milk depends on whether you want a thick or light tea

Add tea leaves

We have always used one brand of tea ever since I was young, and I always find myself buying the same brand

Let tea simmer until bubbling

Use sieve to mix the tea leaves into the milk

Turn heat to really low and let the tea brew

Brew the tea for exactly 10 minutes or more for a darker looking tea

After brewing, turn heat to high, let it bubble to the top and turn off heat

Sieve the tea

I usually use a jug to sieve into first for easier pouring into the thermos

Pour tea into a thermos

Serve your Kenyan tea


Recipe by Mulunga Alukwe

Prep time: 05 Minutes

Cook time: 20 Minutes

Total time: 25 Minutes

Yield: 4 Cups


  • 1 Cup Water
  • 500 ml Whole Milk
  • 3 Tablespoons Tea Leaves

Cooking Directions

  1. Add Water to sufuria (pan). Heat water until boiling. Add whole milk
  2. Quantity of milk depends on whether you want a thick or light tea. Add tea leaves
  3. Let tea simmer until bubbling
  4. Use sieve to mix the tea leaves into the milk
  5. Turn heat to really low and let the tea brew
  6. Brew the tea for exactly 10 minutes or more for a darker looking tea
  7. After brewing, turn heat to high, let it bubble to the top and turn off heat
  8. Sieve the tea. Pour tea into a thermos

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