Isn't it great when you can make your food without having to worry about buying equipment that you might not be able to afford. Or use equipment that you may not know how to operate. Or the equipment just decides that it will not work when you need it to. I love it when a recipe that I try comes out great.Today I decided to make homemade Pasta that is so simple you will wonder why you have not been making fresh Pasta to enjoy with your family. With fresh homemade Pasta you can add any herbs that you like just to add flavour to it.
1 Cup All Purpose Flour
2 Eggs
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
1 Tableapoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Pour the all purpose flour onto a work surface
Make a well in the center of the flour
Add Salt
Add the extra virgin olive oil
Crack an egg into the hole that you made in the flour
Crack the second egg as well
Whisk the eggs until they become frothy
Start mixing the eggs with the flour
As you continue to whisk the eggs start drawing in the flour from the sides bit by bit
Keep adding in the flour into the middle with the fork
The flour and eggs will start to incorporate and form a sticky runny consistency
Soon the dough will start to form a sticky mixture
Now use your hand to mix the dough
Keep kneading the dough as it starts to come together
Knead the dough until it becomes soft but pliable and bouces back when you press into it
Cover the dough with a plastic cling film amd let rest for 20 minutes
Divide the dough into two. Flour a work surface and begin to roll out one of the doughs into a long rectangle
Continue rolling the pasta dough until the dough is very thin and you can see the outline of your hand through it. If your work surface is small, let the dough hang on the edge as you keep rolling
Fold the ends of the pasta dough into the middle
Fold the folded pasta dough ends in again toward the middle again
Now fold the pasta dough again for the last time
Trim the edges of the folded pasta dough
Begin cutting into thin strips
Cut until the pasta dough is complete
Weave your knife through the folds of the pasta
Shake the knife to loosen the pasta threads
Fluff the pasta threads with your fingers to separate the threads
Your pasta is ready to be used. You can sprinkle the pasta threads with a bit of flour so that they do not mix if not using immediately
Cook immediately or dry the pasta threads before using
To cook boil the pasta for 6 minutes or until al dente. I fried my homemade pasta with onions, tomatoes, chiliflakes and parsely. Delicious!

- 1 Cup All Purpose Flour
- 2 Eggs
- 1/4 Teaspoon Salt
- 1 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Pour the all purpose flour onto a work surfaceMake a well in the center of the flour. Add SaltAdd the extra virgin olive oil. Crack an egg into the hole that you made in the flourWhisk the eggs until they become frothyStart mixing the eggs with the flourAs you continue to whisk the eggs start drawing in the flour from the sides bit by bit. Keep adding in the flour into the middle with the forkThe flour and eggs will start to incorporate and form a sticky runny consistency. Soon the dough will start to form a sticky mixtureNow use your hand to mix the dough. Keep kneading the dough as it starts to come together. Knead the dough until it becomes soft but pliable and bounces back when you press into itCover the dough with a plastic cling film and let rest for 20 minutesDivide the dough into two. Flour a work surface and begin to roll out one of the dough into a long rectangle. Continue rolling the pasta dough until the dough is very thin and you can see the outline of your hand through it. If your work surface is small, let the dough hang on the edge as you keep rollingFold the ends of the pasta dough into the middle. Fold the folded pasta dough ends in again toward the middle again. Now fold the pasta dough again for the last time. Trim the edges of the folded pasta doughBegin cutting into thin strips. Weave your knife through the folds of the pasta to separate. Fluff the pasta threads with your fingers to separate the threadsYour pasta is ready to be used. You can sprinkle the pasta threads with a bit of flour so that they do not mix if not using immediately
Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Yield: 3 Servings
You necessarily do not have to put butter or oil on the surface as there is no chance that the crepe will be burned before you can actually remove it. crepe makers