Happy MASHUJAA DAY KENYA! (HEROES DAY) Today is a Holiday to celebrate our heroes that fought for our self rule and independence. I know, beans is not exactly a celebratory dish, or is it? But this bean curry is what you just need to eat with some yummy chapati! We surprised dad for his birthday too. His birthday in on 23rd that is this coming Wednesday but since we were all available we thought why not have his birthday today. These beans were accompanied by some Chapati, cabbage stir fry, Beef Stew, and plain Rice. Like I said, these were no ordinary beans., no sir! You can add spice for some heat but still delicious just as they are.
4 Cups Red Beans Cooked
1 Onion
2 Tomatoes
1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
1 Tablespoon Turmeric
1 Tablespoon Garam Marsala
1 Tablespoon Cumin
1 Teaspoon Cloves
1 Tablespoon Curry Powder
1/8 Teaspoon Salt
1 Teaspoon Black Pepper
1/4 Cup Whipping/Heavy Cream
Add chopped onions to pan with oil
Fry until onions softened and browned
Add chopped tomatoes
Cook until tomatoes turn paste like
Add teaspoon garlic powder
Add teaspoon black pepper
Add tablespoon turmeric
Add tablespoon curry powder
Add tablespoon garam marsala
Add teaspoon cloves
Add tablespoon cumin
Add minced ginger
Fry spices 2 minutes until fragranced
Add cooked beans
Fry beans a few minutes. Add 2 cups water
Add salt to taste
Pour in 1/4 cup whipping/heavy cream
Allow beans to simmer until gravy thickened
Perfect for Mashuja Day (Heroes Day)
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 30 Minutes
Total time: 40 Minutes
Yield: 3 Servings
- 4 Cups Red Beans Cooked
- 1 Onion
- 2 Tomatoes
- 1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
- 1 Tablespoon Turmeric
- 1 Tablespoon Cumin
- 1 Tablespoon Cloves
- 1 Tablespoon Curry Powder
- 1 Tablespoon Black Pepper
- 1/4 Cup Whipping/Heavy Cream
- Add chopped onions to pan with oil. Fry until onions softened and browned. Add chopped tomatoes. Cook until tomatoes turn paste like
- Add teaspoon garlic powder, black pepper, tablespoon turmeric, curry powder, garam marsala, cloves, cumin and minced ginger. Fry spices 2 minutes until mixture fragrances. Add cooked beans, fry beans a few minutes. Add 2 cups water, salt to taste. Allow to simmer 5 minutes. Pour in 1/4 cup whipping/heavy cream. Allow beans to simmer until gravy thickened
- Serve