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I can officially say I'm in love with mango sorbet. Thus one is especially creamy because I used condensed milk to add that touch of richness that comes with the condensed milk. The best part of this sorbet is that it only requires tow ingredients and no machine to create such a decadent dessert. It is so smooth it just slides down your throat. This reminds me of when we were young and we would get ice cream after attending church. It was always a Lyons Maid ice cream. I remember trying to lick it as slow as possible so tat it does not melt. There was always that satisfaction that came with being the last person to finish your ice cream. You'd gleefully smile as your siblings looked at your ice cream while their hands were empty. Aki, kids are so funnily evil, haha! Of course you'd use that to bribe your way out of some chores. One lick of your melting ice cream and they get to do for you your choice of chore for the day or even week! Aaaaaah, good times. Sorbets are so versatile you can even make a boozy one for that weekend you feel like partying! The only hard part of making thus sorbet is waiting for it to freeze, though you can eat it as is, still deliciously smooth.


3 Cups Frozen Mango
1/4 Cup Sweetened Condensed Milk


Chop mangoes and freeze them for several hours or overnight

Add the frozen mangoes and sweetened condensed milk into a blender or food processor and blend

Pour the sorbet into a loaf pan and pit in the fridge for 6 hours or overnight until frozen

Once frozen scoop out the delicious mango sorbet and serve in individual bowls


Recipe by Mulunga Alukwe

Prep time: 5 Minutes
Cook time: 6 Hours to Overnight freezing time
Total time: 6 Hours 5 Minutes
Yield: 4 Servings
  • 3 Cups Frozen Mangoes
  • 1/4 Cup Sweetened Condensed Milk
Cooking Directions
  1. Add the frozen mangoes and sweetened condensed milk into a blender or food processor and blend
  2. Pour the sorbet into a loaf pan and pit in the fridge for 6 hours or overnight until frozen
  3. Once frozen scoop out the delicious mango sorbet and serve in individual bowls

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  1. Tried it and the only.thing i would change is I would freeze fresh ripe mango pieces because the frozen ones have no taste! lol. But still very good and easy. 😋
