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Hey Lovelies,
Cabbages are as old as centuries yet they continue to make an appearance on our tables every other day for dinner, salads or soups. Most people do not like cabbage but I think it is just in the way that you cook it. There are different types of cabbages, White cabbage, Red cabbage and Savoy cabbage. Cabbages are prepared in many different ways for eating. They can be pickled, fermented for dishes such as sauerkraut, steamed, stewed, sautéed, braised, or eaten raw. Cabbage is a good source of vitamin K, vitamin C and dietary fiber. Contaminated cabbage has been linked to cases of food-borne illness in humans.

Cabbage is prepared and consumed in many ways. The simplest options include eating the vegetable raw or steaming it, though many cuisines pickle, stew, sautée or braise cabbage. Pickling is one of the most popular ways of preserving cabbage, creating dishes such as sauerkraut and kimchi, although kimchi is more often made from Chinese cabbage. Savoy cabbages are usually used in salads, while smooth-leaf types are utilized for both market sales and processing.
Not only are cabbages delicious but they can be prepared in so many ways to bring out the flavor and nutrients. The trick to cooking cabbage is not to over cook it, if you must boil then just steam it for a few minutes. Soggy cabbage is not delicious at all!

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